Sunday, 27 October 2013

Wiwiek Abidin, Deddy Damhudi - ( Remaco RLL 363 )

Band Empat Nada.

The original cover of this record is missing.
The photo is a part of another record-cover (RLL 377)
All songs are Melayu in style.
The most well known, I think are:"Boleh Boleh Jangan"
and "Mustika". both can be found in many versions.
"Sepasang merpati" is by P.Ramlee, a famous Malaysian Actor/Singer/Composer.

Dodoi Si Dodoi                                            Wiwiek Abidin        
Sepasang Merpati - ( P. Ramlee )                 Deddy Damhudi        
Bole Bole Jangan - ( Zakarya )                    Wiwiek Abidin        
Aladum - ( A. Chalik )                                 Wiwiek Abidin - Deddy Damhudi        
Mustika - ( I. Sumantri )                              Wiwiek Abidin        
Terang Bulan                                                Deddy Damhudi        
Anak Kala                                                    Wiwiek Abidin        
Timang Timang - ( S.Effendi )                    Deddy Damhudi        
Kalau Ia Memandang                                  Wiwiek Abidin
Selamat Jalan                                               Deddy Damhudi

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Suzan Piper and Sawung Jabo - Indonesian Music from the 50s to the 80s

An article copied by Mazef from :
PRISMA, The Indonesian indicator,
Issued by the Institute of Economic and Social Resources,
Education and Information. ( 1987 )
Authors Susan Piper and Sawung Jabo.

Its from an Indonesian governmental monthly in English.

The conclusion is rather gloomy:  ( quote )
"When a plurality of popular music can flourish in this country
only then will Indonesian popular music stabilize and reach maturity.
However, it seems the journey is still a long one" ( unquote )

In Mazefs opinion the Indonesian pop music came to full maturity in the years
between 1962 and 1974. The foundations were laid already. Just listen to the playlists on this blog.
Maybe the authors treated this topic in a too academic and elitist way.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Elly Kasim - Cassette

"Ketilang Minang 5"
Band: Diamers
Conductor Suryaman
This cassette dates back to about 1973 / 74 and recorded in Singapore.
Its from a later stage in her career which started in 1961
She returned to a style more close to her origin, the Minangkabau region.
The last song on this playlist is not complete, the cassette factory cut the tape too early.
Side 2 of this cassette ( instrumentals ), is gone, maybe erased by accident.