"Si Djago Mogok"
Band: Empat Nada
Conductors: Janwar/Hasanudin, & A. Rijanto.
The 6th record album of Titiek Sandhora produced by Remaco Industries in 1969.
She became a very populair singer, this record is re- released with a cover different from the original release
The song "Ingat Padamu" ( Think of You ) sounds similar with the song "Please Help Me I'm falling" by Hank Locklin.
The song "Melody Untukmu" ( Melody for You ) is echoing the sound of Kroncong Music.
"Si Jago Mogok" is about a friend who takes her on a ride in a car that often refuses to perform, girls hate that.
"Merantau" ( = : being overseas, far from friends and family ) is rendered with great emotion.
"Anakku Sayang" ( My Beloved Child ) The melody sounds more orginating from Japan than from China, but Maz. is not quite sure. Commonly this genre was rubricated as "Mandarin Songs"
Lotto Harian - ( Jessy Wenas )
Ingat Padamu
Dahulu Dan Sekarang - ( Mus K. Wirja )
Jangan Paksa Dong - ( Wedhasmara )
Melody Untukmu - ( A.Rijanto )
Cinta Terpendam -( Harry Santosa Betty S)
Si Jago Mogok - ( Jessy Wenas )
Merantau - ( Jasir Sjam )
Rasain Deh - ( Mustafa Wirijat )
Anakku Sayang
Bergembira - ( Jasir Sjam )
Di Pantai - ( Mus K. Wirja )