Sunday, 4 August 2019

Tetty Kadi - Remaco RL029

Band: Zaenal Combo
Conductor: Zaenal Arifin.
Year: 1966

The first LP record Tetty Kadi at the age of 14.
Still young young at age, yet her voice already posesses richness in tone and volume.
Many records and cassettes would follow , with fine melodious songs.
Some are very well-known and often re-released by other artists.

Side 2 of the record is damaged, the four last songs from this playlist are ripped from a
cassette which was issued in 1974

All songs are composed by A. Riyanto
"Pulau Seribu" - Thousand Islands - ( A large group of liittle Islands in the bay of Jakarta and further on in the Java sea, offering white beaches and tranquility )
"Bunga Mawar" - Rose -
"Ayah Dan Ibu" - Father and mother -
"Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang" - After Darkness, comes the light - ( Reminds me of a book by Raden Kartini, which she wrote in Dutch language, titled:
"Door Duisternis Tot Licht" )
"Teringat Selalu" - Always Remembering -
"Si Kura Kura" - The Turtle -
"Si Kancil" - The small deer - ( shot by a hunter )
"Alam Desa" - The country, with its natural beauty -