Monday, 18 November 2019

Hetty Koes Endang Kroncong

On the cover of this record she is portraited as a long established diva.
Her career began in 1973 when she was about 16 years old.
Many records and even more casettes ( 40? ) with her songs were recorded.
She received many awards from song contests.
On this playlist among others the song: "Tanjung Perak" The refrain from this song sounds exactly the same as "Wij gaan naar Zandvoort" a song from Holland which means: "We go to Zandvoort" a populair beach resort 25 kilometres from Amsterdam.
The song "Kroncong Pasar Gambir" resembles the song "Sapu Lidi"
"Kroncong Galunggung" is about the eruption of the Galunggung vulcano, a great disaster.
This vulcano is situated in West-Java and consequently the song is in the Sundanese language.

This record is from 1982, produced in Malaysia.

Tanjung Perak                          
Mawar Merah                          
Kroncong Pasar Gambir                          
Kroncong Serenade                          
Kroncong Bahana Pancasila                          
Kroncong Galunggung                          
Kroncong Tangis Sukamto                          
Stambul Anak Kepiting                          
Stambul Tretes Raya                          
Kroncong Tembang Kiasan