Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Orkestra Simponi Diponegoro - Lokananta DN031

Band: Orkestra Simponi "Diponegoro"
Conductor: F. A. Warsono.
Year of release 1967.
The state-owned label LOKANANTA made many recordings from music worth to preserve in their opinion.
Much to be found on their many LP's, all classical genre and etnographical / regional folk music.
A short description:
"Mars Diponegoro" is named after a historical figure Prince Diponegoro ( 1785 - 1855 ) who fought the Dutch colonial powers and is until today honoured as a national hero.
"Gati Branta" The previous March is almost like European traditions, but this one, the second from this LP is exected n a Sundanese tone-scale.
"Di Timur Matahari" The Sun is east or: East of the sun, I don't know whic translation is the most correct. Indonesia in common view is situated in the extreme east.
In some Indonesian Atlasses the archipelago is situated in a more central position on the map.
On the other hand: the sun rises in the east like a symbul of hope and victory.
"Ditepinya Sungai Serayu" ,- On the banks of Serayu River-. This song and the two following are with a chorus named "Tri Ubaya Cakti". President Sukarno would have liked it. 1967 was his last year of presidency. Sutedjo, the composer of this song is also known for composing a praise-song for Sukarno.
"Bengawan Solo" - Solo River - is a song very well known and vocalized by many singers.
"Hymne Tri Ubaya Cakti" very solemn.

Mars Diponegoro - ( T. Prawit )                          
Gati Branta                          
Di Timur Matahari - ( W.R. Supratman )                          
Ditepinya Sungai Serayu ( Sutedjo )                          
Bengawan Solo ( Gesang )                          
Hymne Tri Ubaya Shakti - ( Daldjono )                 

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Ivo Nilakreshna - Philips 855055XPY

"Kroncong a gogo"
Band: Combo Tony Nolte"

Kroncong a gogo. The word "a gogo" brings a feeling of itching in my neck. It is a typical 60's word everything had to be a gogo.
Other typical words: "Boutique" for shop, "Hip" for stylish etc.
The songs on this record can be divided in 3 genres:
1: Old songs from the period of the independence war, by Ismael Marzuki.
2: Old folksongs, very well known.
3: Compositions by Ivo Nilakreshna.
Ivo Nilakreshna belongs to the Older generation of Singers, a contemporary of Titiek Puspa etc.
She gained her greatest popularity between 1955 and 1966. It almost seems she was more populair in Malaysia than in Indonesia.
Seeing the number of produced records with her songs.
This record is produced in Holland on the Philips label.
The band is a "combo" its sound reminds me of combo's playing in the corner of a crowded restaurant during a wedding party.
But technically it is o.k. and Tony Nolte was quite well known, but not the hottest in town, so to say.
So Ivo Nilakreshna probably was visiting Holland and at the same time she acted as singer for this record.
The songs:
"Sepasang Mata Bola" - A pair of bright eyes - A song from the revolutionary war between 1945 and 1949. A soldier going to the battlefield sees a girl with bright eyes, is if she would say "protect us, you hero".
Those songs of the war, were not fierce "beat up the bastards" songs, but gentle songs of goodbye to a soldier, or about a woman waiting for her hero and paying for victory on the battlefield. Always in a slow solemn, way which was the fashion in that period.
"Jali Jali" Old folksong This is almost the national anthem of Jakarta, it can be heard by many artists, also on this MP blog,
"Cinta Pertama" - First Love - a composition by Ivo Nilakreshna.
"Mari Menari" - Lets Dance - a compostion by Ivo Nilakreshna.
"Awan Beranak" - Clouds give birth - That is when you stare at clouds and one little cloud seperates from a big one, like the big one gives birth. So it has a poetical meaning. Composition by Ivo N.
"Potong Padi" An old folksong modernized. Hm... Those gentle songs are not really suitable for modernization, the result sounds a little cheapish..
"Oh Ibu" - Oh Mother - a composition by Ivo N.
"Kroncong Kemayoran" again a very well known folksong, it is easy to change the words of the sond, many variations exist.
"Ku Kan Kembali" - You will return - Composition by Ivo N.
"Seringgit Sidua Kupang" an old folksong, in fact a "Dendang" or "Joget" song that means its used for dancing, the words of the song often repeated. Its heard in Sumatra and probably also well known across the Strait, in Malaysia.
"Jauh Dimata" - Far apart. Two lovers are separated. She waits till he returns. So its also a war song.
Sepasang Mata Bola - ( Ismael Marzuki )                          
Jali Jali                          
Cinta Pertama - ( Harlan )                          
Mari Menari - ( Ivo Nilakreshna )                          
Awan Beranak - ( Ivo Nilakreshna )                          
Potong Padi                          
Oh Ibu - ( Ivo Nilakreshna )                          
Kroncong Kemayoran                          
Ku Kan Kembali - ( Ivo Nilakreshna )                          
Seringgit Sidua Kupang                          
Jauh Dimata - ( Ismael Marzuki )                          

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Lilis Suryani, Moeslihat, Sofyan.

Band: "Suita Rama"
Conductor: Muslihat
"Cai Kopi" : There is is another version of this song by Rita Zahara, she has more Sahara in her voice, I mean she is adding more Oriental sultryness to the song than Lilis Surjani.
"Didalam Taman Bunga" - In a flower garden - is by Muslihat. It was not uncommon composers and bandleaders also were acting as vocalists. It sounds old fashioned, from those early radio days end fifties begin sixties-style
"Dikala Malam Tiba" - When evining falls - A typical Lilis Surjani song from her dark series trom the early sixties. It is a rather old record, om the record itself her name is stiil written is Lies Surjani, later she changed it in Lilis. So the record could be from approx 1963.
"Tepui Tepui" is a regional song, could be from Lampung ( ? )

Cai Kopi                     Lilis Surjani        
Didalam Taman Bunga - ( Ismal Marzuki )   Moeslihat        
Dikala Malam Tiba - ( Lilis Surjani )        Lilis Surjani        
Tepui Tepui                     Sofjan

Marjono and his boys - Salina 7 - Philips6305073

PHLIPS 6305073
"Salina 7"

Genre: Kroncong ( Freestyle )
year 1969 ( ? )

It is an Instrumental record but strangely, when I hear this band playing its like something is missing, as if they waiting for the singer, but she does not show up, so they doing their intro or foreplay again and again.
As you know the standard procedure is: An instrumental intro, then after a few seconds the singer enters and then again in instrumental interlude. After that again its the singers turn, all ending with an instrumental final. Many examples to be found on this blog. But here it almost seems they first did the instrumental part with the intention insert a singers voice later, but in some way I did not take place.
So the result is like a cherry pie without the cherry. Of course there are many instrumental recordings which are good in their own way and sounding more complete without leaving an empty feeling.
The record is rather worn out full with crackles, sounding like a cart going over an ole gravel road, or someone frying krupuk, but after the usage of software called DePopper the bulk of the noise is silenced.
"Es Lilin" - The plaintive call of an ice vendor- A sundanese evergreen, very well known.
"Ani Ani" - Eh dont know..... let me see...... Google.......Oh it is a small knife for cutting the rice plants ( padi )
strange, now I read this I vaguely remember this tool is also known by the name "arit"
"Sapu Tangan" - Handkerchief - composed by the late Maestro : Gesang. Also a very well known one.
''Renunanganku" - Hm do not remember the word. One moment..... I look for it in the "Maleis Woordenboek"
by Professor van Ronkel: It says: "Renoeng" ( me ) = aanstaren This means someone is staring at me, or is it me staring at someone maybe. The music sounding slightly reminding a chinese melody.
"Midnite Serenade"
"Jali Jali" A well known song from Jakarta. It is stretched out, lasting very long, doing the first notes over and over again, like they are waiting for the singer to show up.
"Tidurlah Intan" - Sleep My Dear -
"Sapu Lidi" - A broom made of the veins of a palm leaf - A well known kroncong song.
"Jauh di Mata" - Far away from me - also a well known kroncong melody.
"Selalu Disampingmu" - Always by your side - A bit chinese in sound.
"Derita Cinta" - Love's Sufferings -

Es Lilin - ( Arnesah )                     
Ani Ani                          
Saputangan - ( Gesang )                          
Midnite Serenade                          
Jali Jali                          
Tidurlah Intan                          
Sapu Lidi                          
Jauh Di Mata                          
Selalu Disampingmu                          
Derita Cinta                          
Selendang Sutra - ( Ismail Marzuki )