Band: Orkestra Simponi "Diponegoro"
Conductor: F. A. Warsono.
Year of release 1967.
The state-owned label LOKANANTA made many recordings from music worth to preserve in their opinion.
Much to be found on their many LP's, all classical genre and etnographical / regional folk music.
A short description:
"Mars Diponegoro" is named after a historical figure Prince Diponegoro ( 1785 - 1855 ) who fought the Dutch colonial powers and is until today honoured as a national hero.
"Gati Branta" The previous March is almost like European traditions, but this one, the second from this LP is exected n a Sundanese tone-scale.
"Di Timur Matahari" The Sun is east or: East of the sun, I don't know whic translation is the most correct. Indonesia in common view is situated in the extreme east.
In some Indonesian Atlasses the archipelago is situated in a more central position on the map.
On the other hand: the sun rises in the east like a symbul of hope and victory.
"Ditepinya Sungai Serayu" ,- On the banks of Serayu River-. This song and the two following are with a chorus named "Tri Ubaya Cakti". President Sukarno would have liked it. 1967 was his last year of presidency. Sutedjo, the composer of this song is also known for composing a praise-song for Sukarno.
"Bengawan Solo" - Solo River - is a song very well known and vocalized by many singers.
"Hymne Tri Ubaya Cakti" very solemn.
Mars Diponegoro - ( T. Prawit )
Gati Branta
Di Timur Matahari - ( W.R. Supratman )
Ditepinya Sungai Serayu ( Sutedjo )
Bengawan Solo ( Gesang )
Hymne Tri Ubaya Shakti - ( Daldjono )