Saturday, 29 August 2020

Vivi Sumanti - Cassette

 I think the recording is made in 1971

The last two songs printed on the cassette are not on the audio tape.

"Ditinggal Pergi" and "Jangan Iseng" are a little bit like the "Melayu" songs composed by Zakarya and Djoko S. No info is given on the cover of this cassette so I cannot determine the real names of the composers.

Listening to "Kecapi" Sundanese sounds can be heard.

"Unkuanmu" is from Manado ( ? ) 

Bunga Bunga Berguguran

Mas Kawin

Ditinggal Pergi

Apa Artinya Bagimu

Menjelang Fajar

Jangan Iseng


Kenangan Manis

Aku Mulai Merasa


Sunday, 23 August 2020

Rita, Nita and Rossy - Irama LP175101

 IRAMA LP175101


Band: Orkes Pamor

Conductor: Fred Firmansjah

Looking at their hairstyle the record must be from somewhere between 1961 and 1963.

They are one of the first girl groups,

The singer Rossy is added to Rita and Nita. 

There is something odd with this record: when playing other records the needles of my

amplifier are swaying merrily from left to right, whilst on this record they almost stand still.

I don't know its because of the recording technique or its because the record is worn out.

It could also be its focused on singing, with the band at low profile, because the two instrumentals

are inducing more movement to the indicators of my set.

At those early days the launching of a new record was quite an event, at the backside of the record thre is a lead in text by Sjaiful Nawas, a kind of music-guru in that era. Also stated the type of microphones used and the time the songs are lasting which is useful for me also when splitting the .WAV file in separate songs.

The price in Rupiahs on the backside has crossed out and changed into a new price several times, also a stamp with: New money ( Nilai Baru )

So it is from the time the Rupiah was on a rollercoaster track, so it was better to spend it right away, because the next day it would be plunging dramatically.

Back to the songs:

"Senja Dipegunungan" - Evening Dusk in the mountains - Nice rhythm.

"Doaku" - My prayer -

"Terimah Kasih Atas Binkisanmu" - Thanks for your present -

"Kereta Api Malam" -Night train -

"Karam Surang" This is Minang, I think, cannot produce a translation.

"Untuk Emmyku" - For my Emmy -

"O Joni" - O Johnny -

"Selayang Pandang" - At a glance - Judging from the sound it is a "Joget" , dance song from either coastal Sumatra or across the straits the adjoining shores of Malaysia. It is a song already existing before this LP was released.

"Buku Harian" - Diary -

"Penjual Koran" - Newspaper seller -

"Kasih Ibu" - The care of a mother -

"Baju Baru" - New dress -

Senja Dipegunungan - ( Tom )

Doaku - ( Shahriel )

Terimah Kasih Atas Bingkisanmu - ( Mus Mualim )

Kereta Api Malam

Karam Surang

Untuk Emmyku - ( I. Sigarlaki )

O Joni - ( Rita )

Selayang Pandang

Buku Harian - ( Rita )

Penjual Koran

Kasih Ibu - ( Tom )

Baju Baru - ( Muslihat )  

yes.....nita,rita and rossy sjamsudin.......!  bierha

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Kroncong " Lief Java " - a Record produced in Nederland

 Another record produced in Nederland, approx. in 1967.

This country lost the colony named Indie, which became Indonesia in 1945.

Thousands of Dutchmen, persons of mixed blood, and others who were attached to them left the new republic. And went to Holland.

Many settled in The Hague city. In old mansions who had seen better times and were divided into apartments for the "Indo's.

The Hague, where most of the year the cold sea-wind is blowing through the deserted avenues.

Lots of parks and and age-less ladies chatting in tea-rooms, the last stand you could see them still wearing hats and drinking tea with their little finger in the air, exchanging the latest society-gossips. In such a city many Indo's lived, the hallways and stairways of their apartments smelling of trasi or their other Indonesian cookings. Nowadays The Hague became alive and many indo's left the city and dispersed all over The Netherlands, may headed for California because the found Holland a too packed with no room to move.

The elderly people still dreaming about the past and their kroncong music, as you can hear from this music.

The younger generation adapted fast to the Duch lifestyle and music. kroncong music was for the elderly people.

If you meet such a person from the 3rd of 4th generation in Holland, they cannot speak "Maleis" anymore but all know the names of all those Indonesian dishes.


"Suling Bambu": - Bamboo flute-

"Kroncong Kemayoran" - Kroncong from Kemayoran - A neighbourhood in Jakarta where many Indo's were dwelling. This song is also fine for parties and birthdays, because the lyrics can be changed easily, depending on the occasion. shouting of "hoi" at the right moment, which can be ruined by the consumption of too much alcohol.

"Terkenang Kenang" - left memories -

"Kroncong Nachtsirenen" - Kroncong of the night Sirenes - What is a Sirene? maybe you know already. Imagine: You walk in the woods, at night,

Then suddenly you hear a girl's voice: Come here! with beautiful singing. You proceed further into this forest following her sweet voice, which appears close already, and then more far away. At last you lose all sense of direction and end up drowning in a swamp.

"Stambul Dasimah" A Stambul is a kind of street theatre, its set up is like the Chinese street opera, but with other costumes and stories from the Malay, Persian, and European scene. Its audience people who lived in the areas inbetween the European and the indigenous groups.

It is a story about Dasimah and in the song you can hear the comments by the audience who were always very involved with the play.

A girl in the audience is with Leo, saying: "Wat wil je toch worden, Leo" In Indonesian-Dutch: "What are you up to, Leo" ( Maybe Leo is taking advantage of the darkness ) In standard Dutch "Wat wil je toch worden" means: What do you want to become? and so if Leo was a freshly arrived Dutchman he would have answered: "O, maybe a doctor or a lawyer" ( It originates from: "Mau jadi apa, Leo?" )

"Gelang Si Paku Gelang" Difficult to translate in many songs sweet gentle words are put together like beads on a necklace.

" Kroncong Telomoyo "  refers to the Telomoyo mountain

"Putri Solo" -Girl from Solo-

"Kroncong Bandan" -Kroncong from Bandan- Maybe kampung Bandan in North Jakarta

"Stambul Ombak Laut" -Stambul about the waves of the sea - Maybe at such Stambul play they use sea-waves made of colored carton, shaped like big saw-blades, which were pulled from left to right on the stage, by invisible stage-

Suling Bambu             Miss Toeti

Kroncong Kemayoran Leo Spel

Terkenang Kenang Miss Toeti

Krontjong Nachtsirenen Guus Becker

Stambul Dasimah Leo Spel

Gelang Si Paku Gelang Guus Becker

Kroncong Telomoyo Leo Spel

Putri Solo             Miss Toeti

Kroncong Bandan Guus Becker

Stambul Ombak Laut Leo Spel