" Pop Mandarin "
Pop Mandarin is from the Chinese mainland and Chinese communities in Southeast Asia.
A number of songs from this genre originally came from Japan.
In fact the songs on this LP are very loosely connected to the Mandarin genre except "Dua Remaja" and "Jangan Berdusta" the latter the closest in resembling the Mandarin sound.
The record is produced in Malaysia. Year of production: 1975.
" Hari Ulang Tahunku " - My Birthday -
" Kenangan Lalu " - Memories from the past -
" Tilpon Untukmu " - A telephone call for me -
" Merana" - Sad -
" Pulang Ke Desa " - Back to my home village -
" Dua Remaja " - Two young people -
" Pria Tampan " - Good looking man -
" Jangan Berdusta " - Don't lie -
" Aku Sendiri " - I am alone -
Hari Ulang Tahunku
Kenangan Lalu
Tilpon Untukku
Pulang Ke Desa
Dua Remaja
Pria Tampan
Jangan Berdusta
Aku Sendiri