Saturday, 25 April 2020

Ida Royani - Elshinta A6706

ELSHINTA Records A 6706
IDA ROYANI "Tjemburu"
Band: "Baju"
Conductor: F. Parera.
a record with, sadly enough, a rather damaged cover.
The Elshinta record company issued about 50 records, I think,
many with songs by WALJINAH
Another recording of Ida Royani ( formerly Ida Rojani )
Little known in other countries, but she is loved by many people in Indonesia and known by the duets with Benyamin Sueb in "Betawi" ( Jakarta ) style.
She has a very transparent high voice on this recording.
The composers are not well known ( by me ),except IRENG MAULANA (formerly Eugene Maulana )

Si Belang - ( G. Sobri - Pong )                          
Tinggalkan Aku - ( G. Sobri - Pong )                          
Kasih Ayah Ibu - ( G. Sobri - Pong )                          
Hatiku Ria - ( Anwir )                          
Oh Ibu - ( Deddy W. )                          
Perahuku - ( G. Sobri - Pong )                          
Cemburu - ( G. Sobri - Pong )                          
Dunia Penuh Khayal - ( G. Sobri - Pong )                          
Untuk Adik - ( B Benhardy )                          
Mengambara - ( G. Sobri - Pong )                          
Tertidur - ( E. Maulana )                          
Pantai Pasir Putih - ( Deddy W. )                 

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Hetty Koes Endang - Remaco RLL423

"Pop Melayu Vol 2"
Band D'lloyd
Conductor: Bartje van Houten.

Maybe the first LP record of Hetty K.E. The group "D'lloyd was founded in 1969. Most albums in "Pop Melayu" style were produced after 1973 by many bands, before that time this kind of music already existed, but under different names and played in a more traditional manner. ( the musicians sitting on chairs with no use of electric guitars etc. like an orchestra )

Pandang Pandangan - ( Chaerul )                          
Jangan Malu Malu - ( Andre )                          
Berdendang Ria - ( Bartje Van Houten )                          
Mari Menari - ( Budhy )                          
Jalan Hidupku - ( Erwin )                          
Sia Sia - ( Andre )                          
Gadis Manja - ( Bartje Van Houten )                          
Oh Tak Mungkin - ( Deddy T. )                          
Pujaan Hati - ( Soekarno )                 

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Zaenal Combo - Remaco RLL206

Remaco RLL 206
"Zaenal Group Vol. 3"
Zaenal Arifin, Chilung R.
Band: Zaenal Group.
Year 1973

After 10 years composing beautiful songs for many vocalists they must have been thinking: "Lets try if we can sing too."
As a result Zaenal Arifin and Chilung R. made some albums.
Compared with the female artists from the previous decade, their voices sound modest. (Just try Inneke Kusumawati - " Meleati Dimusim Kemarau " on youtube. to hear to difference wihh Zainal"s vocalisation ) )
In fact it was a come back then ( 1973 ) Until 1970 Zainal Arifin was very well known as a composer, just think of songs like "Teluk Bayur" almost sounding like a stand-by national anthem. But after 1970 he came in poor circumstances, had all kind of jobs, this series of records is the last effort to regain his popularity.
Zanal Arifin wa a great songwriter, he could get rich, but was not. He lived in a modest house, had been hit by a car and severely injured, this happened in 1987 when he was long forgotten. But some artists still remembered him and collected money to pay the hospital bill.

Zaenal Arifin died in 2002.

"Frida Gadis Manis" - Frida Sweet Girl -
"Stambul Bukit Duri" - "Stambul from the thorny hill" Stambul is an old fashioned narritive way of singing, from the Stambul Theatre.
Bukit Duri is also the name of the last pre-war suburbs of Jakarta, little villas for middle class employees.
"Melati Dimusim Kemarau" - Melati (flower) in the dry season -
"Patah Hati Soal Biasa" - A broken heart, as usual -
"Terbayang Dan Terbayang" -Imagine and Imagine ( again )
"Pantai Pelabuhan Ratu" - The beach of Pelabuhan Ratu" Pelabuhan Ratu is a beach resort on the south coast of Java. There is another song also about this place, sung by Alfian.
"Pengganti Dirimu" - Someone to replace you -
''Putri Menangis" - A girl is crying -
"Dibalik Pintu" - Behind the door -

Frida Gadis Manis - ( Zaenal Arifin )                  Zaenal Arifin        
Stambul Bukit Duri - ( Zaenal Arifin )                  Zaenal Arifin        
Melati Dimusim Kemarau - ( Jessy Wenas )             Zaenal Arifin        
Patah Hati Soal Biasa - ( Chilung R. )                  Chilung R.        
Terbayang Dan Terbayang Lagi - ( Zaenal Arifin )         Zaenal Arifin   
Pantai Pelabuhan Ratu - ( Zaenal Arifin )                  Zaenal Arifin        
Pengganti Dirimu - ( Jessy Wenas )                  Zaenal Arifin        
Putri Menangis - ( Zaenal,- Wedhasmara )             Chilung R., -Zaenal Arifin    
Dibalik Pintu - ( Zaenal,- Wedhasmara )                  Zaenal Arifin

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Pattie Bersaudara - Diamond RLL025

Band: Enteng and his comets
Conductor: Enteng Tanamal
Year: approx. 1969

To begin with a description of the songs:
"Jij Bent Niet Hip" - You are not fashionable - ( But still adorable ) It is from a 1968 Dutch song by Patricia Paay.
"Jangan Kau Paksakan" - Don't force me -
"Ruliku" - My Ruli -
"Kisah 1001 Malam" - The story of 1001 nights - In the music a mysterious oriental atmosphere has been created.
"Ada Satu Jalan Lagi'' - There is still another way ( out ) - In case of a lost love, there is always another one for replacement.
"Aku Lupa" - ( I forgot ) It happens a person is waving or greeting in a street encounter, while the adressed person has not the slightest idea who he or she is, or on what occasion they have met before.
"Pesta Ku" - My Party -
"Waarom Heb Jij Me Laten Staan" - Why you left me - A Duch song originally by "De Heikrekels" ( The Moor Crickets ) - 1967
"Kapungkur" When I was young I laughed and played with my friends, but now I am often alone and sentimental, waiting for someone, someday...
The second half the song is continuing in Sundanese language.
"Curahan Hati" - You stole my heart -
"Aku Cinta Padamu" - I love you -
"Insan Di Dunia" - Mankind in this world -

The record is slightly Moluccan in musical accompaniment, also Enteng Tanamal with his very electric guitar can be heard.

Jij Bent Niet Hip                          
Jangan Kau Paksakan - ( Mus K. Wirja )                          
Rulieku - ( Jasir Sjam )                          
Kisah 1001 Malam - ( Jessy Wenas )                          
Ada Satu Jalan Lagi - ( Jessy Wenas )                          
Aku Lupa - ( Mus K. Wirja )                          
Pestaku - ( Jasir Sjam )                          
Waarom Heb Jij Me Laten Staan                          
Kapungkur - ( Mus K. Wirja )                          
Curahan Hati - ( Jasir Sjam )                          
Aku Cinta Padamu - ( A. Riyanto )                     
Insan Di Dunia - ( Jasir Sjam )                 

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Tetty Kadi " Teratai Putih " a cassette

A Cassette, I think from 1973 , on side 1 Tetty Kadi, on side 2 Ervinna.
Always on such combined releases the singer longest in service to be found on side 1: in this case Tetty Kadi, which is correct.
In a later period the music often became more symphonical, maybe thanks to newer multi-track recording. The songs are rther solemn and melancholical except "Terlalu Muda Untuk Bercinta" by Haryanto. The composer Harry S. also known as Harry Santosa or Harry Toos,

A song "Cinta Yang Terakhir" is mentioned on the cover but on the cassette only 40 seconds of it is present, the factory cut the tape to early, so it is not on this playlist.

Teratai Putih - ( A. Riyanto )                          
Dosaku Padamu - ( A. Riyanto )                          
Terlalu Muda Untuk Bercinta - ( Is Haryanto )                          
Pengenang Kehancuran - ( Harry S. )                          
Layu Sebelum Berkembang - ( A. Riyanto )                          
Ballada Perpisahan - ( A. Riyanto )                          
Satu Dari Kenangan - ( Is Haryanto )                          
Layu Tiada Belaian - ( Harry S. )                          

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Ernie Djohan - Remaco RLL211

"Volume 2"
Band Empat Nada
Conductor Sjafiie Glimboh.

This record must be from 1974, because A. Riyanto is replaced by
Syafiie Glimboh.
Riyanto had left band Empat nada to form a new band: the Favourites.
The songwriters of this record are members of Koes Plus Group.
The other composer for this record is Hamiedan.
"Buat Apa Susah" - Why worry -
"Ratapan Anak Tiri" - A stepchild's lament - The situation being a child you get a stepmother who does not take care of you. Really saddening as you can hear. This song was not composed for this record, but well known long before already. ( By A. Rafiq )

"Derita Cinta" - Love's sufferings
''Mengenang Kembali" - Returned
"Patung Kecil" - Little sculpture -
"Kasih Sayangmu" - My Love -
"Hanya Mimpi" - Just a dream -

Buat Apa Susah - ( Murry - Hamiedan )                          
Ratapan Anak Tiri - ( A. Mashabi )                          
Diana - ( Tonny - Hamiedan )                          
Desember - ( Murry - Hamiedan )                          
Derita Cinta - ( Ks )                          
Mengenang Kembali - ( Yon K. )                          
Patung Kecil - ( Yok K. )                           
Hancurnya Hatiku - ( Yok K. )                          
How Can I Tell Him                          
Kasih Sayangmu - ( Yon K. )                          
Hanya Mimpi - ( Murry )                 

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Diah Iskandar

The plaintive voice of Diah Iskandar now on this playlist.
99.9% of my playlists are directly oploaded from my own record collection
On this playlist the processing is: Record-Cassette-Computer-Internet.
The reason: Long ago I recorded it at a friend's ( Nico van B.) who had the original LP
I forgot to write down the song titles, later I got valuable info about the playlist from a person who was named Old Prince ( many thanks ) who was formerly also on

"Hate Abdi" is in Sundanese language.
From 1960: "Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia" by Melina Mercouri.
This song became a world hit better known as "Never On Sunday"
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool" originally by Connie Francis.
Nice try by Diah Iskandar, but she's better in her own language.
The same applies for Connie Francis who also had songs in other languages, German etc.
The original record could be from approx 1967, but I am not quite sure, just a guess.
Api Kasihku - ( Iskandar )                          
Kalung Asmara - ( Ismail Marzuki )                          
Never On Sunday - ( Towne - Hadjidakis )                          
Sekilas Senyum - ( I. Suwardi - J. Chaidir )                          
Everybody's Somebody's Fool - ( Greenfield - Keller )                          
Bila Kulupa - ( A. Usman )                          
Hate Abdi - ( R. Mahbub )                          
Mari Bertamasya - ( Iskandar )                          
Seribu Satu Malam ( Ismail Marzuki )                          
Selamat Jalan - ( Iskandar )                 

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Ervinna - Mustika GHL034

Band: Orkes Melayu "Pancaran Muda"
Conductor: Zakarya.
The cover of this record was a little damaged, for the photo I repaired it work with the help of the (free) software "Photofiltre"
I did it not in a too intensive way, just a half hours work.
The composer of all songs is ZAKARYA, who was well known in the "Melayu" genre.
"Si Jaket Biru" = "That ( man with the) Blue Jacket" was originally composed for Titiek Sandhora, she was first singing this song.
The songs are not "Fortissimo" sung, like Hetty Koes Endang or Elvy Sukeasih whose voices could fill big stadiums or halls, blasting the loudspeakers. This songs are more intimate for "easy listening".

Cinta - ( Zakarya )                          
Jangan Begitu - ( Zakarya )                          
Kau Sudah Lupa - ( Zakarya )                          
Kau Cinta Padaku - ( Zakarya )                          
Ingin Cium Pipiku - ( Zakarya )                          
Si Jaket Biru - ( Zakarya )                          
Tak Bebas Lagi Berpacaran - ( Zakarya )                          
Dapat Undian - ( Zakarya )                          
Ingin Bebas Lagi - ( Zakarya )                 

Saturday, 4 April 2020

a record produced in Suriname

"Kembang Melati"
Band T-Groep 75

This record is made in Suriname not just for the Javanese Community but also for other groups there, kind of multicultural performance.
I found it in a second hand record shop in Amsterdam approx. in 2012 .
"Kembang Melati" - Melati flower - It is sung in Javanese.
"Kota Ambon" - Ambon town - I can understand a number of Javanese songs are on this record, as a Suriname is inhabited by Javanese, who immigrated to this country long ago. But this song is from the Molucca's, wonder how it gets there. Nevertheless it is a sweet song, partly, at teh end vocalized in Dutch language.
"Ojo Ngalarake Ati" A typical Javanese song.
"Wang Oema Fieri" It is sung a the Sranan language, formerly Negro-English or Takki-Takki. When Holland was on decline as a world power they traded New York and the settlements along the Hudson river for a swampy, heavily forested piece of land, now called Suriname, which was before under British rule. Nowadays half of the Surinam population lives in Holland.
"Mie Swieti Lobi" - My sweet love" , also sung in Sranan.
"Bengawan Solo" - The river near Solo - a well known song.
"Tante Lientje" - Aunt Lientje - another song in Sranan.
"Potong Padi" - Rice harvest - it is executed partly in Dutch.
"Abote Djandjie" In Javanese
"Lali Marang Sing Kapungkur" also from Java.

In total 4 languages can be heard on this record. Javanese, "Maleis" Dutch and Sranan
Kembang Melati                    
Kota Ambon                          
Ojo Nglarake Ati                   
Wang Oema Fieri                    
Mie Swieti Lobi                       
Bengawan Solo                         
Tante Lientje                          
Waktu Potong Padi                    
Abote Janji                          
Lali Marang Sing Kepungkur