Band: Eka Sapta
"Palang Pintu" - a piece of wood for locking the door - This is the weapon for the lady of the house to hit her husband on the head when he comes home late.( It seems to be a universal problem the wifes get angry when their man comes home in the middle of the night.
All in Jakarta vocabulary clearly to be heard in this song.
The Eka Sapta band goes at full thrust in this song and therefore I like it.
"Tamasya Ke Pulau Khayangan" - A trip to Khayangan island - Original title: "Wo Cai Ni Cuo Yu"
"Tiada Salahmu" - It is not your fault - Sad song, always the violin takes part when something sad is going on, universal law, so another job for Idris Sardi.
"Hati Sepi" - My silent heart -
"Terbalik" - Some is staring at her smilingly, she's puzzled until she realizes she is wearing her dress the back in the front and the front in the back. ( or is she's wearing it inside out?, its not fully clear to me )
"Salam Mesra Buat Halmaheira" - Sweet love to Halmaheira - A beautiful and relatively unknown island in the Moluccas.
"Kesanmu" - Your impression ( on me )
"Bangunlah Adikku" - Wake up my little sister -
"Hatiku Selalu Pada Mu - My Heart belongs to you - Composed by Idris Sardi, with a lot of violinplay in it, of course.
"Siputih" - The white one - It is about a dog.
"Tidurlah Anakku" - Sleep my child -
"Permintaan Terakhir" - Last request - Sad song her man left her, It ends with "If you come and meet me, see me at the cemetry".
The first 2 song are the nicest in my modest opinion.
Palang Pintu - ( Wedhasmara )
Tamasya Ke Pulau Khayangan - ( Vivi S. )
Tiada Salahmu - ( Tom R.S. - Tati )
Hati Sepi - ( A. Riyanto )
Terbalik - ( Mus K. Wirya )
Salam Mesra Buat Halmaheira - ( Muchtar Embut )
Kesanmu - ( A. Riyanto )
Bangunlah Adikku - ( Jasir Sjam )
Hatiku S'lalu Pada Mu - ( Idris Sardi )
Siputih - ( Vivi S. )
Tidurlah Anakku - ( Vivi S. )
Permintaan Terachir - ( Henky Firmansyah )